Urban saviours

Exposed monologues

translated by Elpida Komianou


I walked into the divided states

of the conflicting

left-wings and right-wings with the same hearts

(a conclusion from a valid autopsy)


In the corrupted corridors of gunman-like ideologists

willing to bring equality

and distribute the goods

with the knife of revenge and rematch


Grotesque alienated souls

from the scurvy of the equation that shaves off

the right of free choices in life


Tuned critics of values and intentions

but agnostics of the math of ethics


Oversized pants gaping away from the flesh

that they include

clowns hideously dressed in the absurd


Horseshoed figureheads

made up inarticulate punchlines

that claim what’s wasted


Bipeds strapped with cartridges

of filthy disbelief for free breathing·

sovereign zealots disguised as saviors


«Equals» that are more equal than the others

and «pure» that are purer than the rest

moving upright monuments

of moldy faith to useless worldviews


And in between their absurdity, my life

curse them, yes, my life!

The only spring of truth

coated with limescale and rust already

left out to drip


     Exposed monologues, Gavrielides 2018


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Edited by Mania Meziti


